Foreigner... meet India!
Beginning with a trip to the Internet Cafe, we set out to inform our families of our arrival- 16 hours later... Knowing Mamma, she would be losing sleep over this. Luckily, we have an internet establishment within the apartment complex (mind you, not very cheap) and were able to send emails to our loved ones. Soon after, Melissa and I decided to explore... In our adventure we discovered the sector 9 market; its colorful banners, immediately drew my attention. Holding hands, we crossed the street to where the market was located. We were immediately greeted by a host of pungent smells (a combination of food and decomposing materials), vendors, and flies. Left and right, vendors made offers we couldn't understand while holding up vegetables. With no Hindi in our repertoire, we shook our heads and gave a kind, bowing gesture in decline.After our adventurous trip to the market, we called Sonal Ma’am to inquire about our work schedule and the internet problem. In a comforting fashion, she assured
us the phone/internet problem would be resolved soon and that Anita and Priyanka (our wonderful coworkers) would be picking us up around 3:30pm. Aided by their bartering expertise we purchased a kiji (kilo) of potatoes, half a kiji of tomatoes, a kiji of onions, some ginger, garlic, chilies, papaya, and a melon. In addition to produce, we bought some milk, cereal, rice, and dal (lentils). Later in the evening, some of these items were the protagonists of our dinner, which was prepared by Laxmi. Laxmi is the woman that we were required to hire to assist us in the preparation of meals and upkeep. She is great and we are grateful to have her supporting our settlement process.My jubilus belly and I bid you a subh ratri (good night).