Along the way we were approached by children and women, some begging and some selling little trinkets. The first occurred at a stop light, where I was approached by a beautiful little girl, around age 7, who was selling pencils. Signing food and rubbing her belly she said, “10 rupees... food.” Con el corazon en la mano (with my heart in hand), I declined “No thank you, love. I don’t have money!” She insisted, which only made it harder to look her in the eyes. I really didn’t have any change. She offered again as she placed the pencils on my lap, “ten rupees, yes?” Once again I declined with humbled eyes and a nod. Pointing to my glasses and then to herself, I wasn’t sure if she was implying an exchange or if she wanted me to give them to her. As the light turned green, she removed the pencils from my lap and graciously smiled, despite my lack of patronage. I couldn’t get her out of my mind as I recalled scenes from Slumdog Millionaire where children were being extorted and exploited by money-making, scam-artists (note: I am not suggesting that the film is accurate, simply that I was reminded of it). That thought was quickly interrupted by a tap on my leg from a woman holding a child without any clothing on his bottom. The intensity of her eyes was hypnotizing. “5 rupees... food for baby” she said. I responded kindly “No money, sorry!” She starred at me for a few seconds before moving on to the auto behind us. Light turned green. My heart was aching for them: for her, her child, the little girl, and everyone that has to beg to survive.After this experience, it was difficult to really enjoy of the energy of Janpath market, but the company really helped to lift my spirit.
Cashing travelers checks was a hot mess! Actually trying is a more appropriate word. Bouncing from bank to bank (8 to be exact), I finally was directed to a travel agency where the doorman assured me I could cash TCs (travelers checks) using my Drivers License ID. Hopeful to finally resolve the issue, I waited for Melissa, Chole, and Scott to follow me into the b
Our day came to an end after dinner when Scott and Chloe set off to the airport. Safe travels!