A few laughs with Chelsea Handler, films (four to be exact), airline meals, and interrupted naps LATER, we arrived at the beautiful Indira Gandhi International Airport. Welcomed by an array of commodities such as a gliding walk-way, a modern architectural design, a restroom with an inconspicuous flushing contraption, and a quiet Customs officer, we proceeded through the exit doors in hopes of finding our ride. Thankfully we found Ajay and Sandip who were holding a sign that read "Maitri/Melissa Moenvasiri/Yvette Gonzalez"-- which was awesome considering that I had always wanted to experience that (haha).
What followed was an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia- a sense of deja vu, if you will. The people, streets, and smells transported me to my childhood in Mexico where the city never sleeps and the sounds of brooms against concrete act as a lullaby for the homeless. Where street lanes are arbitrary markers meant to be ignored. And where street animals compose an important part of society. My first though was “Thank you, Mexico.” Thank you for training: my eyes to the colors and the sight of poverty, my ears to the sounds of people hollering and honking, my nose to pollution and dust, my mind to the feeling of uncertainty, and my heart to the world beyond you and I.
A shout out to my loved ones. I miss you terribly and wish you were here to experience this with me. Pictures of the past three weeks kept me in good spirits as I dealt with the uncertainties I encountered upon arrival. Thinking of you always. xo
Ps. From here on, WE means Melissa and I
Pss. Melissa is my intelligent, sweet, mindful, partner in crime, and wise counterpart
Psss. We have a pet lizard whose freedom we are terribly concerned about. I have named him Chato. :)